MAGFest 2019: Ocabanda’s Triumphant Return

We all get together backstage and walk on. play our first song, and the rest goes amazingly. Most other groups at MAGFest tend to be loud music you can dance to, and we were an exception. We play our full set for the concert and end up going a few minutes overtime

Accidentally Climbing a Mountain in Nagano

Accidentally Climbing a Mountain in Nagano The best adventures are unplanned. Thursday night in Nagano – I was discussing my possible plans with the hostess at my hostel, and she recommended going to a nearby national park if I woke up early enough, looking around a Buddhist temple nearby at any time of day, orContinue reading “Accidentally Climbing a Mountain in Nagano”

What I’ve Enjoyed While Traveling (Instead of Doing Everything)

What I’ve Enjoyed While Traveling (Instead of Doing Everything) 観光じゃないで、良いしたこと See the last post about not doing everything while traveling HERE! 1. Blog Writing at Starbucks・スタバックスにブログを書く Since I had a wealth of experiences in my first half of my travel and not much time to write, writing has actually been really relaxing. And an added bonusContinue reading “What I’ve Enjoyed While Traveling (Instead of Doing Everything)”

You Don’t Need to See and Do Everything (While Traveling)

You Don’t Need to See and Do Everything (While Traveling) 旅行の時、全部をしなくてもいい You’ve been planning this trip for two years – a summer abroad in the country you’ve only dreamed of going to. You’ve been learning the language and can carry a conversation, you’ve looked up interesting sites to explore and activities to do, and everyContinue reading “You Don’t Need to See and Do Everything (While Traveling)”

The Japanese-Travel Weight Loss Program

When I told my friends about my travel plans for Korea and Japan during the summer, everyone who had been there before either said, “You’ll lose weight! You walk so much, the food is healthier, and the portions are smaller,” or, “You’ll want to eat everything and drink a lot, so you’ll have 4000+ calories a day.”

Little did I know they’d both be right.

5 Ways to Make Friends at Hostels

5 Ways to Make Friends at Hostels

When I arrived in Korea at 4 in the morning, I had no friends, no plans, and no Korean language skills. Things looked bleak and lonely at…

Struggling Up N Seoul Tower

Struggling Up N Seoul Tower・Nソウルタワーを登ることは大変:
It’s 11:30 in the morning. I just got off the train to Myeongdong, a major part of Seoul, and I had one objective: get to the top of N Seoul Tower without using a map…

Living in Japan (with a Japanese Family)

Living in Japan (with a Japanese Family) アメリカ人、日本で日本人家族と住む I’m writing this post in both English and Japanese! このブログは英語と日本語です。二年間だけ日本語を勉強していましたから、日本語の文法は悪かったら、直してください! The main purpose for my gigantic trip around Korea and Japan this summer was to do a 3-week study abroad program in Kyoto. This program was led by a professor from my college for the academic side, thenContinue reading “Living in Japan (with a Japanese Family)”

Vacations in Your Hometown

Vacations in Your Hometown Travel is an experience where you see and try new things, but you can also have travel-like experiences at home. New things can simply be doing something routine in a different way, or finding something new within a familiar area. One reason that we don’t find new experiences in familiar landscapesContinue reading “Vacations in Your Hometown”

Bamboozled by Buddhists – Story from Seoul

Bamboozled by Buddhists – Story from Seoul Let me lay it on the line. On Monday, June 18th, I was exploring Seoul as I had done over the previous few days, and after looking through some large shopping centers nearby (and buying nothing), The views from my walk that day were beautiful, so here’s someContinue reading “Bamboozled by Buddhists – Story from Seoul”