MAGFest 2019: Ocabanda’s Triumphant Return

We all get together backstage and walk on. play our first song, and the rest goes amazingly. Most other groups at MAGFest tend to be loud music you can dance to, and we were an exception. We play our full set for the concert and end up going a few minutes overtime

[PART 2] The 2018 US Ocarina Festival: Concert, Camping, Phuket

[PART 2] The 2018 US Ocarina Festival: Concert, Camping, Phuket To Recap… We drove up on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, got to see everyone, and rehearsed on Friday before going to an open-mic performance. Read the whole post here! This post covers Ocabanda’s concert forward. We worked really hard coming to this point, and I’mContinue reading “[PART 2] The 2018 US Ocarina Festival: Concert, Camping, Phuket”

[PART 1] The 2018 US Ocarina Festival: Road-trip of Time

It’s 5:30 in the morning, We were up until 2 the night before due to poor decisions, packing, Fanime being the day prior, and several other causes, but we had to leave early. David and Roxy were shooting a video in San Francisco and they needed golden hour lighting – and there was no wayContinue reading “[PART 1] The 2018 US Ocarina Festival: Road-trip of Time”

Singing with the Legendary Joe Hisaishi – A Concert Experience

I scrambled through the 24 Arias for Men book with my dad to find something that worked best for my voice. My audition was in a week, and I needed my song to be perfect, since I knew my sight reading wouldn’t be. The day came rolling, and they called my name.  I knew I’d getContinue reading “Singing with the Legendary Joe Hisaishi – A Concert Experience”

Anime Expo 2017: Ocarinas, Traffic, and the Smell of Piss

This is a post from nearly a year ago. I never published it due to some major personal  relationship issues that happened around the same time. I made some edits and decided to finally publish it…
Recently, I went on my first non-school related trip without any form of supervision! To many readers, you may be thinking, Wow, why am I reading the blog of a f***ing baby, to which I say…. you’re right. The trip was busy and fun…

Ocarinas – How I Found Opportunity From a Niche Hobby

When people ask me about my hobbies, whenever I mention that I play Ocarina, they invariably say things like this: You mean the thing from Zelda? Oh cool! ….what are they? Ocawhatta now? I expect these answers, so I don’t mind it, but the point is: Ocarinas aren’t well known, at least in America. They’reContinue reading “Ocarinas – How I Found Opportunity From a Niche Hobby”

Ocabanda @ MAGfest 2018 – A Recap

Ocabanda @ MAGfest 2018 – A Recap Day -1 – Coming In Tuesday night, the day after New Year’s Day,  my heart is racing in the airport while I anticipate my flight to leave San Jose. For the first time in six months and the second time ever, I am going to see my familyContinue reading “Ocabanda @ MAGfest 2018 – A Recap”