Make 2024 a Year of Less

I have too much stuff. I buy too much stuff. Chances are, if you clicked on this post, you do too. To solve this, I’ve decided to do a year of less: getting rid of what I have, and controlling my consumerism. We’ll discuss my four reasons why and two actionable methods I’m using to do so.Continue reading “Make 2024 a Year of Less”

Mistake-Proof Your Life With This Japanese Concept

Poka-yoke is a Japanese concept of mistake-proofing processes, applicable in business and personal life. Originating from Shigeo Shingo, it aims to eliminate errors through prevention. Its application in business centers around total quality management, while in personal life, it involves designing spaces and using apps to minimize mistakes. Cultural appropriation concerns are also raised.

Get Out of Your Own Way

Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success even—we all have our reasons for not pursuing what we want. If we don’t try, we can’t be rejected. If we never try to succeed, we can’t fail. Many of us are in our own way. A “Gifted” Kid, An Anxious Adult It all began inContinue reading “Get Out of Your Own Way”

Are Niche Hobbies Better Off Niche? (SHOULD Ocarinas Get Popular?)

Many of us have some niche hobby or community we’re a part of, and it can feel really special to be a part of something most people don’t know about. Are these small hobby groups, like the ocarina community, better off niche? Would we lose something by gaining mainstream popularity?

How Not to Forget Your Life

What did you do on January 16th last year? Just give me one thing. Yes, you can check your notes—which is the whole point of this post. By the way, here’s what I did on January 16th: I didn’t remember any of this off the top of my head, but I had it written down in myContinue reading “How Not to Forget Your Life”

Resilience, Reset, Reinvention

I’ve been pretty depressed. I got laid off. And I got COVID. And you know what? I’m doing pretty great now.

You’d think having all this piling up at once would’ve been a lot more difficult, but instead, the opposite happened.

Getting laid off has given me better headspace to work on my mental health. Getting COVID has sucked, but it’s forced me to do a lot of resets with bad habits, and I have a much cleaner slate.

Today’s post is all about resilience, resets, and reinvention.

Accidentally Climbing a Mountain in Nagano

Accidentally Climbing a Mountain in Nagano The best adventures are unplanned. Thursday night in Nagano – I was discussing my possible plans with the hostess at my hostel, and she recommended going to a nearby national park if I woke up early enough, looking around a Buddhist temple nearby at any time of day, orContinue reading “Accidentally Climbing a Mountain in Nagano”

What I’ve Enjoyed While Traveling (Instead of Doing Everything)

What I’ve Enjoyed While Traveling (Instead of Doing Everything) 観光じゃないで、良いしたこと See the last post about not doing everything while traveling HERE! 1. Blog Writing at Starbucks・スタバックスにブログを書く Since I had a wealth of experiences in my first half of my travel and not much time to write, writing has actually been really relaxing. And an added bonusContinue reading “What I’ve Enjoyed While Traveling (Instead of Doing Everything)”

You Don’t Need to See and Do Everything (While Traveling)

You Don’t Need to See and Do Everything (While Traveling) 旅行の時、全部をしなくてもいい You’ve been planning this trip for two years – a summer abroad in the country you’ve only dreamed of going to. You’ve been learning the language and can carry a conversation, you’ve looked up interesting sites to explore and activities to do, and everyContinue reading “You Don’t Need to See and Do Everything (While Traveling)”

5 Ways to Make Friends at Hostels

5 Ways to Make Friends at Hostels

When I arrived in Korea at 4 in the morning, I had no friends, no plans, and no Korean language skills. Things looked bleak and lonely at…